Getting Into Alignment

Once upon a time I lived on a farm and vineyard and had a blog called Bullfrogs and Bulldogs and the Randoms of Country Life. It was a creative outlet for me before I even realized I was creative. Honestly, it probably was the catalyst for me learning that I was creative.

It was a special place for me to share my transition from city life to farm life. Its original intent was to share more of the farming and homesteading aspects of my life but started to transition more into DIY and food.

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What Does your Heart Really Want?

This past weekend I took a twenty-four hour "no computer" break from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. I wasn’t totally off the computer but I didn’t feel the pressure to be in front of it all day. It's weird, the pressure we now feel to be "on" all the time.

I didn’t really start with specific plans so to speak of but ended up doing exactly what I think my heart really needed right now. I got outside and created with a shovel.

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Let's Be Honest, I Kind of Suck at Slowing Down

Back in July when this whole move came about I felt deeply in my gut that one of the main reasons I was being called to move to Bodega and live this way of life was to slow down and simplify so that I could really figure out who I am and what I am here for. Well, almost three months in and I must confess. I kind of suck at the slow down.

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