What Does your Heart Really Want?

This past weekend I took a twenty-four hour "no computer" break from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. I wasn’t totally off the computer but I didn’t feel the pressure to be in front of it all day. It's weird, the pressure we now feel to be "on" all the time.

I didn’t really start with specific plans so to speak of but ended up doing exactly what I think my heart really needed right now. I got outside and created with a shovel.

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I Am A Gardener Too

Lately, Baker and I have been going on afternoon walks down the unevenly paved road leading into Bodega town. It’s a good couple of miles and I leave my phone at home so I can be fully present to my reality and to Baker’s infectious joy as he frolics down the road with his buoyant gallop. He never did learn how to run properly.

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Farm Life and The Apple Tree Trimmer

We have an apple tree on the farm. It’s big and fertile right now busting at the seams with well over one hundred Organic Granny Smith Apples just waiting to be picked. Every few days I open the gate leading to the tree and grab enough to fill my medium-sized mixing bowl. This act alone makes me feel a connection to myself and the land that got lost several years ago after my divorce. All of a sudden, I’m transported back to my days living on the vineyard in Oregon when I nominated myself to be in charge of trimming the three apple trees on the property. I loved the methodical way in which I’d cut back each branch preparing the crop for the cooler, dark winters month.

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