Navigating Difficult Decisions Part 2 // Interview with Juliet Turalski from Jules Inspired


Hello again! Did you get a chance to check out the first interview from the Navigating Difficult Decisions Interview Series with Natalia from Achieve the Impossible last week? If not, you can click here but make sure to come back and check out this weeks interview with Juliet Turalski from Jules Inspired.Juliet Turalski is a transformation coach who specializes in supporting visionaries who desire to be of great service in the world on how to break free of operating in survival mode and feeling like a victim. She just plan awesome!To learn more about Juliet you can find her here at Jules Inspired.If you enjoy todays interview please share!

Click play on the video to watch.

If you are short on time and want to find exactly what you are looking for here is a little breakdown on what was talked about during the interview:

1:33 - Juliet talks about the big decision she made that completely changed her life. 3:09 - Juliet talks about what motivated her to begin this journey of dreaming bigger 3:31 - Ah, the mind/body says yes, the other is say hmm, this totally terrifies me! 4:59 - Juliet begins discussing what was so scary about making this big decision. (I many people struggle with this one!) 6:38 - We talk about how making this decision has change Juliet's life in incredible ways. (It's pretty damn inspiring!) 10:23 - We discuss how not making the choice to follow her gut was affecting her life prior to making this decision 12:50 - We talk about a new way of looking at self-development/personal growth. It's brilliant! 13:48 - Juliet offers a great tool for YOU to apply to your life today to get you more aligned with moving forward in your own life.

Want to learn more about the wonderful Juliet? Check her out at Jules Inspired and find her on Facebook, and Twitter.As always, if you are inspired, leave a little comment below and tells us what you learned or a share a story of your own.

Navigating Difficult Decisions Part 1 // Interview with Natalia from Achieve the Impossible

Hello hello beautiful!I'm beyond stoked for today because it's the beginning of a new video interview series I've created to help you navigate difficult decisions with stories from some pros. 

I've asked some of my fav fellow coaches to chat with me about a topic that is pretty fresh in my life and I bet it's fresh in some of yours as well. We are going to spend some time talking about how to navagate through difficult decisions and why it's important to do so. 

pic 1 about
pic 1 about

Today's interview is with the ever lovely Natalia Chouklina from Achieve the Impossible. Natalia is a soulful Life Clarity Coach who beams (I love that word!) beauty and light and has such a contagious glow to her. We giggled our way through this interview and it seriously made the whole process (and my day) that much more fun. 

This one's unedited because there was just such a great vibe going on that I couldn't cut any of it. It's a bit on the longer side but totally worth every minute because Natalia discusses SO many juicy and wonderful things!

Watch it, love it, share it below -->

If you want to jump ahead to some of the juicy parts here is a little recap: 5:00 - We get into vulnerability and the "what if it doesn't work" mentality 7:14 - Natalia touches on the concept of body wisdom 8:00 - In walks resistance - we all know her! 9:37 - Natalia asks an incredibly powerful questions 10:47 - "Resist the resistance" 11:45 - We dive into the idea of beginner's mind (oh it's gettin' good!) 18:11 - We talk about the two-pronged perspective 21:40 - Natalia give THREE awesome tools you can apply to your life today to help get clear and help you make those big decisions! 27:00 - My new favorite saying "little pockets of peace" is mentioned

So what did you think? What came up when you watched this video? How can you find little "pockets of peace" in the chaos that is life?  Leave a comment and tell Natalia and I your thoughts, feelings or whatever else comes up!

To learn more about Natalia and Achieve the Impossible check her out on Facebook and join her amazing tribe!

A Savoury Soul: Betsy Fry // Betsy Fry Coaching & Find Food Peace

       Betsy and I met in a networking/support group that we are both apart of on facebook for women entrepreneurs.  When we first started the group which happened by chance, I had a great time checking out the other six or so ladies and seeing what they are up to in their lives and businesses. You will see all those ladies featured here (some all ready have been) soon

       Betsy and I have a lot in common. Both life/nutrition/wellness coaches and both with a mission to help woman break the cycle of emotional eating and take back their empowerment to live happier, healthier, fuller lives. Betsy was trained in the Martha Beck Life Coaching program, is a lover of running, yoga and like me, a huge animal enthusiast :)

       Read on to get to know Betsy a little more...

Betsy Fry 2

        Tell me more about Betsy Fry coaching. What is your specialty, what do you love about coaching?

I am a Martha Beck trained life coach, which means that I work on helping people get rid of their negative thoughts in order to clear them up to live a more powerful life.  I specialize in weight loss and body image coaching for successful women.   What I love most about coaching is watching women transform before my eyes.  They are able to drop their fears, insecurities and excuses and start living their best life within weeks of us working together.

I love your blog, Find Food Peace and your emphasis on breaking from emotional eating. What is a common theme amongst people’s emotional eating habits?

First off, thank you for the compliment!  The most common underlying theme below emotional eating is the deep seeded thought “I am not worth it.”  Women tend to give their everything to the world around them and then there is nothing left to give themselves, which leads them to think they are not worth the effort put into weight loss.  Through coaching, they are able to release those thoughts and start making the investment into themselves.

           What are your non-negotiables when it comes to healthy living?

My personal non-negotiables are not skipping workouts no matter what is going on in my life, getting an adequate amount of sleep and trying to stay away from processed foods.

           What is your biggest accomplishment on your health journey?

Last year I worked out for 365 days straight and blogged about it here  It was the most challenging task I have ever undertaken, but I learned that I am stronger than I think and can accomplish whatever I make my #1 priority.

I would love for you to share your best tip on staying healthy during the crazy busy summer months

The best tip to staying healthy is making yourself your #1 priority no matter what is going on in your life.  If things are crazy busy for you, then just carve out 30 minutes of alone time to get in a run, a simple yoga flow or some meditation.  Do whatever you can to show yourself love during this time and it will set you up for peace and success in every other realm of your life.

          What is a Savoury Soul to you?

A Savoury Soul is a soul that is three-dimensional:  mind, body and soul.  The mind is cared for with peaceful thoughts, the body is deeply nourished from nutritious foods and loved to the core with regular exercise and the soul is taken care of daily with an individual’s spiritual practice.

Betsy FryMartha Beck trained Life Coach, yoga guru, running fanatic, failed meditation(er), recovering donut addict, animal obsessionist, vegan wannabe, self-help maniac.

You can find her on Facebook and Twitter or on her website here.

A Savoury Soul: Natalia Chouklina // Achieve the Impossible

Today's Savoury Soul is a woman who encompasses authentic happiness and personal freedom. She is super sweet, radiates kindness and love and her blog is something I read and walk away learning incredible lesson, big or small.

Natalie, from Achieve the Impossible is here today to answer some questions and for you to get to know a little better. If you haven't checked out her blog yet, head over to Achieve the Impossible. I'm loving her Unravel Yourself  e-program (which is free btw), with the mission to help you learn to listen to your own wisdom and find Joy, Beauty, and Meaning in your life.

So without further ado....please meet Natalia!


Adorable, isn't she! Below is the interview I shared with Natalia.

What does authenticity mean to you?

 Authenticity is about being YOU, always.

Authenticity is honesty without judgment and blame.

Authenticity is coming back home to yourself.

Being authentic is about speaking and standing in your truth even if its inconvenient and uncomfortable.

 What is something you are still working on in your own journey to be as authentic as possible?

Im always working on being authentic with others and myself. Its a lifelong practice and a daily choice for me. Learning to let go of control, and releasing the need to always be prim-and-proper, and focusing my energy on cultivating acceptance and self-trust instead, have made this journey a lot easier and way more joyful!

So much gold can be found and experienced when we let go and allow. I say embrace the mess!

 What do you love most about coaching?

I love everything about it, especially the depth of connection and relationships I get to cultivate with all my clients.

Coaching relationship is unlike any other. Its about choice, awareness and discovery. Its full of space and possibility so you can breathe, fantasize, explore and strategize freely. With my clients I walk the path every step of the way. I support them, encourage them to own their brilliance and lovingly nudge them to step up while they discover what lights them up and create the life they desire the most. These are extraordinary moments worth living for.

 Many-many years ago I hired my first life coach and she told me that she was in the business of helping people make their dreams come true. As soon as she said this, I knew I wanted to be a life coach.

 I love talking about coaching and I could go on forever. I will stop here for now. :)

 How do you handle challenging moments in your life?

Ahh, those moments We all have them in common.

Robert Frost said that the best way out is through. The only way through in these challenging moments is be real with what is; Im not good at pretending that everything is well (when its clearly not), putting on a big smile and just brushing it off.

Sometimes Im sad for a day or two, or maybe longer. I recall that Ive been here before (many times) and I survived, better yet, I thrived.

I do what I need I take extra good care of myself, listen to music and cry when I need to. I allow, I allow, I allow.

Everything passes and this too, shall pass I whisper to myself.

I reach out and ask for help from friends and family. I allow myself to be held closely by them. I ask for extra on exceptionally hard days and they always say yes.

I talk about my challenges openly. I say this is where Im and this place sucks big time but deep down I feel that this experience is valuable. I trust that most of my suffering is caused by fear and this moment is an opportunity to practice courage by being with what is. This I know everything I want is on the other side of that fear.

 What do you LOVE most about yourself?

My sensitivity. I used to think it was my greatest curse. As a child, I was teased incessantly for my hyper sensitive nature and told that I needed to toughen up on many occasions.

I refused to do that. Over the years I came to realize that sensitivity was my greatest gift and I became fiercely protective of it. My sensitivity is the reason I can love so strongly, connect so deeply and experience the world so vividly.

 What is A Savoury Soul to you?

 One of my favorite authors, Paulo Coelho, captures the essence of A Savoury Soul ever so beautifully:

 Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.

 Savoury Soul is not afraid to try. Savoury Soul loves the sweetness but recognizes that spice, tartness, and sourness add so much more flavor, dimension and fun to this amazing dish we call Life.


NataliaChouklina-Photoshoot-85Natalia is a certified life coach for people who want to shine with passion, confidence and unwavering self-respect, and to discover a life of Beauty, Joy and Meaning. Through her one-on-one coaching sessions and e-products, she empowers her clients to dream big, dissolve limiting beliefs, work through fears and celebrate their successes as they uncover what truly lights them up!

At Achieve the Impossible she shares insightful and inspirational words to help you adore yourself and to own your brilliance. You can learn more about Natalia and her forthcoming Unravel Yourself e-program here or join her on Facebook and Instagram.