Maybe It's Chemistry or Maybe It's Just My Trauma Bonding

Chemistry and Trauma Bonding

LENGTH WARNING: This piece is very long. I tried for short and sweet but it’s about trauma bonding for the love of God. There is nothing short and sweet about it.

Back in late September, I downloaded Bumble after deleting a different dating app. I thought maybe the change of scenery would bring with it a new palette of offerings. I’m not sure what I was actually thinking because what I really wanted to do was delete all the dating apps all together. However, in the time of COVID, I have no idea how to actually meet someone so instead, I decided to switch apps.

Within minutes there he was. The guy. The one that gave me butterflies in high school and who periodically, for reasons unbeknownst to me, popped into my head from time to time over the years. I wonder what XXXXX is doing with his life.

I stared at his profile and questioned whether or not I should swipe right. He was, after all, the older brother of a girl who was in my graduating class and I knew him in real life. Sort of. Plus, he always felt so far out of my reach. Could I really sit with the discomfort of him possibly not swiping back on me?

I decided what the hell. This is 2020 after all. Anything is possible. We are adults now. We are no longer awkward teens. We are full-blown single forty-somethings just looking for love. Why is it so hard to believe that maybe it could be with each other. So I swiped right.

A MATCH! A hit of dopamine shot to my brain and butterflies danced in my belly. What the what? I was not expecting that. And then, Oh God. I thought. We…matched. Could a version of my own Hallmark Movie really be in the near future? You know the one where the girl moves back to her hometown, runs into the older brother of a girl she went to high school with who she secretly always had a crush on and he sees her and is like, "Wow. You sure grew up!” And they fall in magical love right then and there. End scene.

I stared at my phone. The rules of Bumble require the woman reach out to the man first. I know, stupid. I think it sets a weird precedence but I believe, is to help prevent the often uncomfortable and entirely inappropriate slew of annoying and cheesy come-ons and occasional unsolicited dick pics. Yep, that has actually happened to me. Uninvited. Unwelcome.

What do I even say to him? Will he remember who I am? What if he REALIZES who I am and doesn’t respond? What if he accidentally swiped right? And just like that, I’m back in high school right along with all my paralyzing insecurities about the boy I have a crush on.

“I’m not that person anymore, Amanda. I’ve grown up. I’m different, more self-assured. More, interesting. Plus, he is not the sun Amanda. YOU are the sun.” I coached myself until I had the courage to type, “XXXXX! How are you? You know we know each other in real life, right?” Knowing full well I may never hear back from him I hit SEND. And then chewed off all my nails waiting.

Within a little bit he wrote back and the smile on my face spread from cheek to cheek and just for a brief moment I entertained the thought that just maybe I would get my Hallmark movie after all. After several long exchanges back and forth and a few hour long phone calls we decided to meet up. We picked a place in Issaquah with outdoor seating to be COVID safe. We met and six hours later, it was decided. We had amazing chemistry. Or at least we could talk nonstop for six hours. But it was more than just two friends talking at length. Mixed in was the perfect amount of flirting and lust filled eyes gazing. It was dreamy.

We continued talking over the next few days, both through text and on the phone as he lives an hour and a half north which is a little outside my comfort level of “no long distance dating” but not a total deal breaker. One of the things I found so refreshing about him was that he preferred talking over the phone. It wasn’t just refreshing. It was a full on turn on in todays dating world. We decided to meet up later that week when he was back in the area.

But a few days into our whirlwind flirtation it happened. I don’t know what it is but I feel it in my gut before it actually happens. A disconnect. It’s like I can feel them break away or wander off mentally. As an anxious attachment style, in the past this would send me into a fit of anxiety. But now I know as an anxious I tend to attract avoidant so I know to hang back a bit and just let them work their process too. So I did. I went about my thing all the while knowing something felt off. It’s the blessing and the curse of being a highly and borderline freakishly intuitive person.

When the day we decided to meet up came and he hadn’t solidified plans I just knew. This was also after two other unanswered texts. I knew he had no intentions of really pursuing anything. I’ve been in this dating game long enough to know what it feels like to have someone interested and to have someone throw me in their "I’ll just reach out when I’m lonely” back pocket. I also knew that I really needed to uphold my boundaries and that I am looking for a man that is consistent. Someone who wants to get to know me as much as I want to know them. Someone who’s actions and words totally align.

Mind you, wanting and actually holding out for are two entirely different things.

After the second unanswered text, I decided that here was my opportunity to see my growth. I could lean into the anxiety of being ghosted or the potential ghosting that was happening and allow myself to feel the rejection and disappointment, and let it go, knowing very well that ghosting is a reflection of them, not me. The next day he called and left a message that he had to head back north because a friend had an emergency. Which, now knowing what I know, I can’t help but wonder if this “friend” was really more than a friend.

Cool. Stuff happens in life. I get that. But that still doesn’t warrant not responding to my “hey did you still want to get together today” text from the day before. When I called back it went to voicemail and then, after two days of no response, my anxiousness got the best of me. Ya’ll know how I feel about ghosting and if you don’t, read this post. I have a 0% tolerance for it and call that shit out when I realize it is happening. We literally live in the easiest time to just be direct. You can send a friggin’ text message it’s that easy.

After several text drafts I finally settled on the one that felt the most emotionally mature and just wished him the best but that I am worthy of the decency of someone not just disappearing on me. Blah blah blah. He called right away after receiving this text. We had a good conversation and he apologized and said he did want to continue getting to know me and was interested.

Then….nothing. Ghosted. Again.

After nothing more came from him over the course of the next few days I just let it go. I was already exhausted from something that was suppose to be fun, flirty, steamy and new.

I know enough now to know that sure, his actions plain sucked and were rude and insensitive but I also recognize that I had a part too. We always have a part because we continue to entertain their actions. We ignore our boundaries.

So I spent the next few weeks in my shop working on my art and doing what I do best, reflecting on why it is that I am still attracting avoidant and unavailable men.

And here is the part of the story I really don’t want to admit but I have to because well, it’s part of the story and more importantly, part of my next level of growth.

The weeks rolled by until about a month later there he was again. To be honest, I could feel that he was going to reach out soon. Don’t ask me how or why I know these things but I can ALWAYS feel it. The night after election night I saw my phone light up indicating that I had a text and as I reached for my phone to see who it was I knew before I looked.

“Hey Amanda. I hope you are well. I’ve been thinking about you and I’d really like to spend time with you and continue to get to know you more.”

I stared at my phone.


My mom’s words that she borrowed from Oprah who repeated what was originally said by Maya Angelu echoed through my head, “Amanda, people show you who they are right away. Believe them.”

Yeah ladies, I know I know. But this was the guy and I’ve still got unresolved daddy issues so…

I responded. Right after I went up to my landlords place and talked to him for thirty minutes about what I should do. We have a funny relationship like that.

High school crush guy and I talked for awhile on the phone ever so delicately tip toeing around the elephant in the room and I listened as he told me how overwhelmingly busy the weeks were after we initially met and as he talked, I told my intuition that was screaming “NOBODY IS THAT BUSY WHEN IT COMES TO SOMEONE THEY ARE INTERESTED IN” to take a hike. Hottie McHottie was back damnit and we had unfinished business.

Before we got off the phone he said he would be in touch to let me know about ‘spending time together.’

As we hung up I couldn’t shake the feeling that nobody is THAT busy for someone they are truly interested in. But then again, this is my Hallmark movie and anything is possible.

The days that followed again proved my intuition right. Nothing.

As I type all this out all I can think is, good Lord Amanda. You’ve still got work to do.

I want to point out here I am in no way trying to be a victim to his actions here. I know very well that by responding to his messages, I invited him back into my life knowing that my gut was telling me a different story.

There was a time not too long ago that I would take this and make it ALL about how I wasn’t enough for them. Because of therapy and actively pulling apart my past trauma and the stories I create in my head, I realized that this is merely a reflection of where I still need to heal.

This time I just let his lack of follow through go. Annoyed I promised myself that when he reached out again I’d ignore it.

Util he did reach out again two weeks later. I stared at my phone once again.

“Hey! I’ve been thinking about you and your curls.”

I know, barf. As I type this all out I see how barfy this actually was. Believe you me, I am cringing at myself right now.

I know exactly what I should have done. I do.

It’s just, with some men it’s easier then others. Some men I can just say good-bye too but others, others are like the emerald green Kryptonite in my life and Jesus Christ, it’s like even though I’m repeatedly burning my hand on the hot stove, I just keep forgetting it’s hot or choose to believe that this time, even though the stove is a bright fiery red, it’s really not that hot.

But yeah, instead of ignoring the text like I should have, I responded. And once again he said he really wanted to spend time with me. This time I laid my boundaries out VERY clearly. I said the only way I would entertain this is if he was consistent and actually made plans.

And this time he was actually consistent with the correspondence. He called and texted but after two weeks of still no attempt at making any plans I knew, once again, I was being strung along. Probably because he knew he could get what he needed (attention) from a sucker like me. Somewhere inside he knew he was my form of Kryptonite, my drug of choice, and all he had to do was give me just enough and I was hooked.

But I kept coming back to something: nobody is THAT busy when it comes to true romantic interest. Sure, maybe it’s timing. Or maybe I just need to admit to myself that still have work to do.

I keep telling myself that I want a man who shows up from day one and is consistent in his interest for me. I want the chemistry AND the consistency. I don’t want guessing games or the wondering what if’s. I know, on a conscious level, that I am worthy of what I want and am actively learning how to really believe that. I suppose this is done by showing up for myself different. By setting very clear and consistent boundaries and communicating and acting on them.

So I bid him farewell and asked that he please respect my boundaries. And I hated every moment of it because this drug feels just as good as it feels bad.

And I took my bruised ego and disappointment and annoyance at boundaries on a good long walk. I have a clear idea of the truth now. My truth. I want more for myself.

There is still a part of me that is longing to be chosen by the avoidant man. That little girl in me who’s dad never could be there for her the way she needed him to be aches to be chosen.

I guess what I am realizing is I have to keep choosing her and one day that will be enough.

I look forward to mulling this one over in therapy on Tuesday.

Here Is How You Date. Tips From The Girl Who Is Perpetually Single


“We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.” ― Dr. Seuss

The other day my best friend sent me a text. “Hey! I told ________ that we should do a girl’s night and maybe you can show her the ropes on how to date now and which apps to use. Another family friend just broke up with her boyfriend and is moving back to Seattle too!” All I could think was, oh my sweet friend, it’s obvious by your enthusiasm that you’ve been married a very long time.

I read the message and all I could think was, “Welcome ladies…to the Hunger Games. May the odds ever be in your favor” Because let’s be honest, dating now in general feels a little bit like we are all running around aimlessly on an island, without a clue as to what we are doing. And dating in 2020 feels like we are Tom Hanks in Castaway stranded on a desert island talking to our friend, the volleyball.

But then I laughed and accept that I’ve been in this game a long time and really nothing has changed and now I have become some kind of dating expert that my married friends refer their newly single friends to. Albeit, not the best one but as my mom likes to remind me, I’ve dated a lot over the years because I’ve been perpetually single for the majority of my life. Except for that one time I got married. So yeah, maybe I am some kind of expert.

I tend to do really good with relationships that last just about two months, and every now and again, I land on a six monther. Yes I can pretend I know what I’m doing but really, lets be honest, I suck at dating. I am, however, an expert, at being single.

Dating is hard for someone like me who is intense and full of big emotions and feelings and thrives in deep conversation. First dates are the worst. Just like with a job interview or networking event, I’m usually the awkward one talking about the weather. I have no middle ground. No in-between. I’m either “Oh did you hear it’s suppose to be sunny next week?” Or I’m like, “So, tell me about your inner child pain and how you are working towards healing it so you can show up in the world as your most authentic self.” Sprinkle in some lingering daddy issues, lack of trust from an ex-husband that cheated repeatedly and an anxious attachment style, my friends, dating expert I am not. A regular on my therapists couch, er, computer screen, I am.

The point of my self-deprecating rant is dating scares the shit out of me because it always shines a big bright search light on my deepest, most painful wounds and I like myself better when I’m single. I’m cool, calm, witty, super confident, sexy and fit, adventurous and relaxed. I’m like, every guys dream girl.

I also feel like good, available men are like some mythical creature. Everyone says they know a friend of a friend of a friend who’s seen one but there is very little evidence that they actually exist.

Admittedly, I’ve spent many a mind-numbing hours perusing dating apps, looking at profiles of men sitting next to giant Tigers or holding a large dead fish with big creepy smiles sprawled across their faces that says, “Ugh. Me. Provide. For. You. Me. Strong. Me. Brave.” I can’t help but wonder if this is some kind of subliminal cavemen messaging. Like, they may not be able to hit us over the head with a club and drag us into their cave by our hair anymore but if they post a picture sitting next to some sedated Tiger on an island in Thailand I’m suppose to be like, “Oh, damn, this man, he’s gonna keep me safe.”

Ah, nope. Swipe. Left.

If you sense a cynical tone it’s true. I’m close to almost settling on the fact that I’ll probably just grow old alone in a cabin in the woods with cats and books and a shop out back with a chop saw. And then I find myself thinking with this current dating market, one can only hope.

The other day I found my cynicism bleeding into a conversation with a friend and saying that maybe all I need is a sex friend and companion to spend a few hours talking with every now and then. Ya know, scratch both itches with one stone kind of thing. Or is that kill two birds? Basically, someone I hump and then spend a few hours eating food and talking with and then we go about our own independent way. But he called my bluff and reminded me that this isn’t really me and what I truly long for is what most long for, a meaningful partnership where I am loved for my unique weirdness.

And he is right.

Despite my cynicism, I am a internal optimist when it comes to matters of the heart. A lover of the dream.

As my therapist once told me after another devastating heartbreak, “Amanda. You know what I love about you most? Your heart just never gives up. No matter how much you get hurt by love you still believe it’s out there just looking for you too.”

And it’s true.

As jaded or reluctant as I may appear, there is a part of me that is filled with the hope that love is out there for someone like me. That one day my weird will find it’s matching weird counterpart and we will live happily ever after in our perfectly little weird bubble. That one day we will meet and he will be everything I never knew I was looking for and he’ll like cats too. That is what keeps me swiping.

The truth is I don’t really date and I haven’t dated since I ended the two month thing with the last guy in early May and now there is this whole hysterectomy thing and healing from that so I’m just, I think, in a bit of a holding pattern right now because to be honest, I’d rather meet someone in real life and this whole Coronavirus thing has made that feel a bit hard right now. Not impossible, just hard. I mean, I do look great in a face mask.

Most of the time I just don’t come across anyone I find interesting enough to swipe right on but every now and then I do. It’s more likely my trauma bonding but that little pit in my stomach starts to flutter, ripping down the cobwebs that began to form from when things ended with whatever guy I was dating last and excitement erupts. And I think, “My faith has been restored! I I just may want to know more about this person.” It doesn’t happen often but when it does it’s like a sugar rush straight to the head. I’m high and hooked.

It actually happened recently but just as quickly as he entered, poof, he disappeared never to be heard from again. Which is a whole other rant and brings me back to something I’ve already written about before; ghosting and how unbelievable immature it is. And rude. Didn’t your parents teach you about respect?

Oh my God can we stop with the ghosting already? People. I’m going to say this once. There is an actual human being behind those profiles and text messages. Human beings who have their own ‘stuff’ they are working through and I know our brains have somehow forgotten this but for f*&k’s sake, despite the technological shield these apps make us believe is there, ghosting still feels pretty damn shitty. No matter how many Mark Groves Instagram quotes you read about how it’s not you, it’s the other person’s lack of something, it. still. feels. shitty.

And you want to know why so many of us are a jaded?

Ghosting. It’s called ghosting!

Especially when we literally live in an era where all you have to do is send a text message that says:

Hey, it was nice getting
to know you a bit
but I’m not feeling it.
I wish you the best.

This actually happened to me several months ago and it was like a breath of f*&king fresh air. Yeah my ego stung for a moment upon first reading it but then I just felt relieved because it was honest and true and oh how I love and value both of those things. Door closed, move on. Next!

There is no wondering if maybe they were in some kind of terrible car accident or how they are probably just scared because I’m that awesome and that intimidates them (insert sarcasm here please). No, it’s good old fashion clear communication and it’s what my dreams are made of. We need to get back to this. Actually, we need to start this because let’s be honest, it was really never there to begin with. Remember, I’ve been at this a long time. I know.

And here is another thing I want to bring up about honesty. What should be on your dating profile. These are non negotiable and it’s backed up by a poll I took on Instagram so it’s fact. Trust me.

If you are looking for something real and long-term, casual or if you are just DTF (Down to F&*k and yes for those of you that have been in a relationship forever, it’s a real thing)

Okay my friends, there are those of us that are seeking something real and have turned to dating apps because meeting someone in person just seems so out of the realm of possible in todays world. Then, there are those who are just exploring dating and want to keep it casual and fun and ‘see what happens.” Last there are those who are just wanting to plain old get down and dirty, no strings attached with every Jane, Suzy and Pam. Cool. All of it is okay. All of it is welcomed. But ALL of it needs to be clearly communicated in your profile. This gives the other person the option to think responsibly about what they want and whether or not they are willing to entertain the idea of getting to know you. Simple as that. It’s call R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Aretha Franklin wrote a song all about it.


I posted in my stories the other day asking my Insta community what they thought about whether or not people with kids should be fully transparent about it in their profiles. Every single comment came back was a big resounding YES. And I agree. Same guy above that was poof, gone, also didn’t disclose that he had kids in his profile. I found out after he gave me his Instagram handle and I did a little “research.” To be honest, I was irritated, first that he so quickly gave me his Instagram handle because I have a hard boundary about not doing said ‘research.’ Instead, I prefer to get to know them organically. But when you put it in front of my face it’s like putting candy in front of a small child and saying don’t eat it as you walk out of the room leaving them all alone. Yeah. Right.

He didn’t share that he had kids in his profile nor did he share it in our back and forth conversation. Although not a very long conversation, he did list out other ‘fact’ about him like how he owned a home and makes mean tacos. Personally, I feel like “I’m the proud dad of kids” goes right up there. Right after “I make mean tacos and stiff margaritas.” And to preference, I’m totally open to dating guys with kids but it’s a very different mindset and I need to mentally prepare. It’s a whole different set of boundaries, potential responsibilities and lifestyle to think about. I also feel that when you withhold that information it can lead someone to think you are a deadbeat dad and aren’t proud of being a parent. Honestly, if I’m going to date a guy with kids, he better be damn proud of the dad he is.

It’s called integrity.

It’s also similar to why I always have a picture of me with my dog and cat on my profile. I know a lot of guys don’t like cats and well, I do and will more than likely always have a cat and I rather give them the opportunity to pass me by then feel like it’s some big dirty secret that I like cats. My cat is curled up on my lap right now in fact and it is pretty friggin’ cute. So yay cats!

But in all seriousness, take a step back for a minute. Don’t you want the person you meet to be fully on board with who you are from the get go? And I mean ALL of you. For me, it feels better to get some of the bigger, I can’t change this about me things out in the open ASAP, especially as I get older. Instead of many dates later only to discover (after feels have started to form, etc) that they are in fact, deadly allergic to cats. Or kids for that matter.

If you are in an open relationship

This, to me, is a no brainer but apparently it’s not. This was also something that got brought up by a friend of mine that is in an open relationship. He told me that when he puts it in his profile he doesn’t get a lot of matches but when he leaves it out, he does. Um, yeah, duh. Makes sense. Although I completely support those who choose to be in an open relationship, I myself, know I would not thrive in one and want to know what I am getting in the very beginning. I want the choice. I asked said friend what happens when he eventually tells the person he is in an open relationship and he said he is met with a lot of questions and that people tend to assume that he is up to no good. That’s what happens when you are not transparent about something from the beginning. It makes you look like you are doing something sleazy even when you aren’t.

I agree that we could all be a lot more open-minded about open relationships and there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. However, it’s not for everyone and to get to the point where you may be open to it, there needs to be a level of trust and trust is built from truth, transparency and alignment.

Put it in your profile my friends.

If you have a non-negotiable, strong religious affiliation

Look, I’m down with the G.O.D and the Universe and Spirit and all that jazz but my God may not be your God and if your way of relating to God is a nonnegotiable for you and you don’t have room in your life for my view of God then it will never work. Seriously, I’ve tried this. Remember that one time I got married. Yeah, well, we had very different ideas of God and it bled into every decision, value and overall, the integrity of our whole marriage. And thank G.O.D we actually never did get pregnant because it would have bled into that too.

Now I’m not talking bout your every day average holiday church goer. I’m talking about those that maybe want to try instead of your good ol’ Hinge or Bumble. If you are on that level it’s important to fully disclose it. If it’s a serious part of your life, own it.

And to cap it all off. One of my best friends, same friend who sent me the text above gave me some of the best advice ever. Way back when she met her now husband, she told me that if I am truly looking for a relationship, to always ask the big questions right from the get go. Because as she says, “Amanda, you are looking for a partner. Don’t waste your time. If they don’t want the things you do, move on. Next!” It took me a good long while to figure that one out.

So yeah, I’m intense and my own version of weird and maybe I will end up in a cabin in the woods with cats and books walking in circles singing Gregory Alan Isakov melodramatic songs on repeat as I wallow in the idea of a dream that never happened but I will always believe that somewhere out in this big old world there is someone who likes cats just as much as I do. Or who can at least tolerate them because they like me a whole lot. I have to believe that there is someone(s) out there looking for my perfect version of weird too. And hey, at least I’ll always know that during this whole damn dating process I stayed true to myself. I lived my integrity.

And to that is say, ME-OW. I mean, a-men.

A Path to Healing


The path to self-growth is not linear. It is a meandering journey through mountains and valleys, and occasionally there are more lows than highs. But it is a journey ever onward, and it is our light—that same light that exists in every one of us—that guides the way, if only we allow it to shine. -Rachel Grayczyk

It feels like often it takes something big happening in my life to point out the areas that need to be addressed. The areas within me that I’ve been running from or that seem too painful to really stop and take a good look at and heal.

A breakup or divorce, losing a job, losing a friend, getting sick. I’ve experienced all of these things and what I know now is that they are all messengers. They come with profound knowledge and insight. But they also come with a lot of heavy emotion that I often like to dust under the rug. Pain, sadness, heartbreak, anger, regret, resentment, fear, abandonment, betrayal — these emotions aren’t pleasant. At times they can feel like the most painful thing in the world. Who hasn’t experienced a heartbreak we thought we’d never recover from?

But what I also know now is that THOSE are the golden nuggets. Those are the moments and experiences that gain the wisdom. Those emotions are the messages waiting to be peeled back and dove into deeper. Those nuggets are actually the path to true peace and happiness.

We are all incredibly intuitive beings and already have the answers to the questions we seek within. Who said that originally? Rumi? Buddha? Whoever it was, I fully believe it to be the truth.

Recently I developed a massive rash all over my face. To some, it’s just a rash. To me, it means something more.

It looks a lot like acne but it’s not. I know it’s not. It is hot, very inflamed and itches. And that it seemed to get inflamed when I eat certain things like coconut. And I know enough, I’m intuitive enough, to know that it means something.

This rash, to me, is a message. I know, that sounds a little woowoo for some but I really believe that our bodies are incredibly smart and so many of our ailments are messages from something deeper within. Wake up calls trying desperately to get us to address the deeper issues that are in a way, holding us back.

I know on a deeper level there are several reasons for my rash. One, I’m consuming something my body doesn’t like and I need to pay closer attention to what I eat and drink and how i feel after. Do I experience a reaction right away or is it delayed? I’ll get into this more in another blog post.

Two, there is a huge emotional component. I’ve been hiding from some things in my life that need to be addressed and my body seems to like to get me to wake up through body ailments.

The traumas of my past are finally speaking up and asking to be dealt with. All that hurt, resentment, anger, it’s been bubbling up quickly the last few months and I feel my body is asking me to look at it for real this time.

I was also dating someone for the last six months whom I adore and love. However, I knew he and I were in different places and wanted different things but fought against that inner knowing and tried to fit this square peg in a round hole.

These things combined created a toxic environment inside of me, always questioning, always frustrated, always sad or questioning, “what’s wrong with me?” This triggered the only way I would listen — a horrible skin rash on my face.

And this is why I love the body. Because it never lies to us. It’s always seeking to show us the truth, get us to listen, get us to show up for ourselves, through messages.

I believe we can heal ourselves in a multitude of ways if we just stop, get really still and listen for the answers. Listen to those little pings, those nuggets of truth, those whispers that say, “he’s not good for you, or don’t eat that, don’t take the job, don’t say yes to the thing even though it “looks” good on paper — just wait.”

I would like to point out that that’s not to say I don’t believe in taking action. We have to take action. But maybe we need to pause a bit more, give ourselves space and time before we react? At least I know I sure do.

I also believe in western medicine. I do. 100%. I thank it daily because if not for it I would be dead. I know this. But I believe too many of us use it as a bandaid. A quick fix. At times, myself included. But sometimes if not most of the time a headache simple means you are dehydrated and need more water. Sometimes it is signaling you need rest or to actually look at something you’ve been avoiding. Taking a pill is a quick and easy fix but often we are reacting with the quick fix instead of addressing the issue. What would happen if we pause and just ask ourselves what we need instead?

If we just took the time to explore more of what our body, our heart and our soul are trying to tell us, what would happen in our lives?

This is what I’ve been thinking a lot about since the last time I wrote. Writing has always been incredibly therapeutic for me. It’s been a catalyst for discovery, exploration and ultimately, what paves the path to my own growth and ultimately, my healing.

Lately I’ve been called to share where I’m at in a different way. Cancer took a toll on me physically, mentally and definitely emotionally.

The last two years have been extremely challenging in a multitude of ways for me but the amazing thing is, I’m finally at a point in my growth where I can look at challenge in my life and see the parts that are getting me to stretch beyond my comfort zone and grow.

The dance for me is and always has been to learn to balance my emotions, to not be so reactionary, to let go of all the stories I took on for years, and honestly, find my voice and figure out who the heck I am and fully embody that. Even if it means others in my life may disapprove.

Developing my tumor two years ago has been the greatest teacher so far. I think I’ll have to tell that story sometime because it was one of the most frustrating and terrifying experiences of my life. Yet, looking back it’s taught me so much. Getting a rare and confusing cancer diagnoses, the whole process of learning about that, surgery, treatment, and recovery from that has felt like one big uphill climb and I just couldn’t catch my breath. My normal disposition is to keep pushing on. To do all the things in the same way I always have. What I’m learning now is I just can’t. I’m not that person anymore. Or, maybe I never was.

I actually need a lot of downtime. I need a lot of rest and relaxation. I need quiet. I need to not over schedule myself or have very many plans throughout the week. I function better on more spontaneity and I definitely need to allow myself the space to make a decision instead of saying yes to everything out of fear of missing out like I normally do.

So, I’ve spent the last few weeks sitting with that and trying my best to get really honest with myself. I’ve been asking myself some really tough questions.

But it’s always when I feel like I’ve hit a bottom that God (ie: Universe, Source, Life) steps in to remind me of the very thing I’m not addressing and if I did, it would change everything. Rashes, breakups, anger and resentments rising to the surface, massive hormonal chaos. All huge messages right now for me.

I find myself in a place I’ve never been before. I’m excited. Almost giddy about what is to come. It feels like the calm before a storm but not a destructive storm like in the past. A tranSTORMation is what I’m calling it. A big one. One that will allow me to peel back even more layers and show up as the real me even more.

So what is next?

Trauma, whether emotional, mental or physically (usually it’s all three combined), doesn’t look the same for everyone thus healing can’t look the same for everyone either. We all have the opportunity to embark on our own healing journey. And that is exactly what I am doing.

As I said to my therapist via text the other day, “It’s time. It’s time to go deeper.”

So that is what I’m doing. I’m investing in me in a way I never have. I’m taking this whole healing thing a few steps deeper. It’s not a one size fits all plan. It’s tailored just for me. I’m looking at all areas of my life and getting very honest and I plan on sharing what I’m doing for myself to heal along the way. I plan to really show up in this space consistently and offer you an experience that may open a few doors of curiosity for you as well.

But please remember, this is MY path and it may not feel right for you. It may trigger you or cause uncomfortable feelings to arise in you. May I invite you to explore that more deeply? It’s just an invitation for you to possibly look at your life differently too. You have to go on your own exploration. Your own journey. You have to try things on, listen to those little nudges and find the courage to step forward on your own path. .

So raise your glass of organic green celery juice (that’s all I’m drinking these days) and cheers with me. Because t’s time to really heal.

Are you gonna poke my bear?

Every now and then someone comes along and pokes my bear. This is an expression I heard several years ago which simply means, someone comes along and taps on your wounds or stirs up your shit or your baggage to put it a little nicer.

I really love the expression though. I felt it added a layer of humor that resonates with me. It’s like my own personal safeword minus the S&M. If someone is stirring up my stuff and I’m too uncomfortable, all I have to do is look at them and say, “you’re poking my bear.”

But if only it truly worked that way.

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Dating: For all you ghost out there. This one is for you.

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It's a doggy dog dating world these days and ladies and gents, apparently, some of them don't come out alive cause there are a bunch of ghosts out there. 

It's been a long time since I wrote about dating. 

Mainly, if I'm honest, I had taken a bit of a break. 

However, recently I put myself back out there only to have had an experience that made me want to shed some light on a kind of new, not so new phenomenon that is extremely prevalent in the dating world:


Dating to me is an off and on again thing. Sometimes I'm really into it, sometimes it's the furthest thing from my mind.

Last year, I didn't think it was entirely fair to put myself out into the dating scene when I was going through something so consuming that required a lot of my attention to be on myself.  That's not to say that dealing with an illness makes you any less of a person to date. Honestly, I think going through something major in your life makes you have a deep understanding of yourself, what you are looking for and what's important.  

I actually did meet someone right as I started radiation last July and we dated briefly before we realized we'd be better off friends. We are still friends to this day because of our mutual respect and proper communication.  

However, there are some things about dating in today's mostly online dating world that really frustrate and baffle me. Mainly, this whole phenomenon of ghosting people. 

For those of you who are unfamiliar with ghosting, it can go a little something like this. Or this was my latest experience at least. 

You meet a guy (or girl), he/she comes off really intrigued. 

They ask all the questions and seem genuinely, very interested. They flatter you a lot and make you feel pretty damn good. They initiate getting together. You are totally open to it. A date is set but they need to get back to you on time because they have tentative plans. Your mind briefly wonders if it's another date but you're like, whateves. We did, after all, meet online. 

You get excited and think, "awesome! I finally met a decent human being and I'm excited to meet them!"

So you lean back and give a bit more to match his/her energy because you think games are bulls*t! ESPECIALLY after everything you just went through, you realize just how short life is and really don't have the energy or time in your thirties for them. You feel like maybe they are on the same page. 

Then suddenly you feel it. I don't know how but something in the air shifts. Something happens. You don't know what but the energy shifts.  It's just a feeling and you know. You know what's coming. 


Um, hello? Is anyone there? And you wonder, WTF did I say that warranted being ghosted? I was just matching your shit thank you very much.

Annoyed, you start to think, well, maybe something happened because they couldn't have possibly just...gasp...disappeared! 

And then you laugh at yourself and think, oh silly Manda, trix are for kids! Nothing happened because as you are scrolling Instagram, you see that he just posted something new.   HE initiated the follow to begin with. You, just followed back. 

And then it hits you. Shit. I totally forgot. I was supposed to pretend that I was NOT interested. Maybe radiation altered my memory after all? 

Silly me. 

And then you laugh out loud and roll your eyes and think to yourself... right...I've just been ghosted. 


But in all seriousness, ghosting is just about the rudest, most immature behavior I have ever come across.

It is just downright disrespectful. I'm a human being and as much as I remind myself that it truly has nothing to do with me and that I shouldn't take it personally, it still doesn't feel good.  

So, I think to myself...what's the best thing to do in this situation. 

Upon consulting the experts, ie: a couple of my friends whom all say opposing things: 

 'Under no circumstance whatsoever, say anything to him!" One says. 

"You should call him out on his bullshit! He a friggin' thirty-something-year-old man for Christ sake!" Says the other. 

I think about both positions and decided that he IS, in fact, a thirty-something-year-old man and I'm pretty sure we all learned how to treat others way back in kindergarten. As much as I'd like to say, "Hey man, it's totally fine if, for whatever reason, you are no longer interested but I am a human being and deserve to be treated as if I'm not just a picture on some profile on a dating app. Thank. You. Very. Much.

I have a feeling however, whatever I say, will fall on deaf ears. Instead, I choose to say nothing and write this post instead.

Most people I talk to who've been ghosted, both men and women, have all said the same thing. It's really quite shitty. 

And it can trigger, even the strongest of people, into feeling like they did something. 

This brings me to the solution.

Here is the thing. We live in the age of dating apps. Chances are, you will never have to see this person face to face. If you've started exchanging text messages or have arranged to meet, even if day and time is tentative, that person still deserves some kind of correspondence if you have a change of heart. I mean, you LITERALLY don't even have to pick up the bloody phone or say it in person. You can just send a text message. 

And I'll even go as far as to help you come up with a few things you can say.

"Hey, although it was nice talking/meeting with you, I really don't think I'm interested. I do wish you the best." I mean, we are all human beings. I'd hope you'd have enough compassion to at the very least, acknowledge their humanness and wish them the best. 

Or, "You came off too strong." Sure, it's blunt but I mean, if it's the truth that person might want to know. But I do suggest you ask yourself WHY you felt they came off too strong first. Chances are, that has more to do with YOU then them.  

Or, how about this, "I realized it's just not the best time for me to date." Cool. No problem. I think everyone's been there before, right? You think your feelings for an ex have passed only to be reminded that they haven't when you meet someone new. No biggie. 

Or this one! "Hey, someone from my past came back into the picture and I just don't think I'm ready to explore someone new. I need to figure this one out." Again, awesome. Been there too. Totally get it. Hope you figure out what it is you need. 

You get it right? It may not be the most fun text to send but at least it doesn't leave the other person wondering, "what did I do?" Because about 99.9% of the time, if you get really honest with yourself, they did NOTHING. In reality, it's all your junk coming up. 

In closing

We are human beings . We like a beginning, a middle and...AN END. We appreciate closure of all kinds. It does something crazy awesome to our brains and lets us easily shake it off and not make it so personal. 

Now, I know a lot of people fear honest communication because yes, some people don't handle honesty very well. A lot of people get super defensive and if that happens, I think it's okay to say, "I really was just trying to do what was best by telling you because i do respect you as another human being. I wish you the best." And at this point, if they don't stop, you can just block their number. 

Chances are, if you are like me, you are just grateful that they were honest and you respond with a friendly, "Hey, no problem. Thanks for letting me know. Wish you the best too."

Done. Delete number, move on. Best wishes. 

Sure, egos may be bruised momentarily. It never feels great experiencing a sense of rejection. But it's like a bandaid. Rip it off, it stings for a minute and then you are usually over it. 

And then, when it comes down to it, really try and not take it personal. I'm serious. Keep filling your calendar with fun and exciting things. Keep dating! Don't sit around overanalyzing things because honestly, a few conversations over texts or phone or even a few actual, real-life dates do not, in the slightest bit, give you any idea of who someone is. 

Even if you do your research ie: stalk the shit out of them on Instagram or whatever media you find them on, you don't truly know the depths of someone. That can only be done with time, in person and an open and honest heart.

The whole evolution of online dating has created this massive disconnect and the direction it's going, in all honesty, is pretty frightening. Dating is suppose to be fun, light-hearted, sexy, flirty, exciting! 

And when it comes down to it, I really value great communication, honesty, patience, and trust in any relationship and if someone ghosts me and thinks that is okay, I look at it as a blessing. I wouldn't want to date someone that inconsiderate. Ever. Good luck. Peace out. Ba-bye. 

I hope and pray for my niece and nephew's generation that something changes or we are in for a really sad future full of disrespectful, socially inept and communicatively dysfunctional robots.  

I'll leave you with this incredible piece of advice. It's so good it was literally written by God himself and put into this little thing called The 10 Commandments. Maybe you've heard of it? 

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.