My secrets to business and life

I am the kind of person that believes wholeheartedly in doing what ever you can make your dreams come true. If your dreams include owning and operating your own business, then you doing what it will take to reach your goals. I've never owned a business, however I've always dreamed of working for myself  and with that came a whole lot of trying to figure things out on my own, lots of overwhelming days/nights and even a few momentary 'what the heck am I doing?" thoughts.

Then I started doing a lot of browsing on some of my favorite coaching blogs/websites to see if I could figure out any of their secrets and you know what I discovered? All of them continually work on themselves by investing in reputably awesome programs.

I've discovered several networks that has really begun to help me get crystal clear on how I want my business AND my life to look like and I'd love to share one of them with you today.

I'm sure you have heard by now of the Amazing Biz + Life Academy founded by the one and only Leonie Dawson but if you haven't, allow me to share this amazing woman and resource with you.


I first heard of the Amazing Biz + Life Academy from Tara Bliss from Such Different Skies and because I totally respect and trust what comes out of that women's mouth, I started following Leonie more on all her social media sites and blog and I can hands down say that Leonie seriously knows her s*#t!

So naturally I enrolled in her membership program which I can give myself a big pat on my back because I just invested in something pretty freakin' great!

For a limited time (5 more days to be exact) you can get a membership to this 'ultimate, complete, wildly generous program that will change your business, life and soul' for only $199 per year.

And then on October 1st prices are going to double because let's be honest, considering what is offered in the Amazing Biz + Life Academy it is worth SO much more!

Want to know what is included? It's pretty awesome and I'm so excited to share this with you.

Your Academy membership includes a huge range of my e-courses, kits and meditations, and a full year’s access to the digital community — passionate, purposeful, practical inspiration you can use to heal your body, build your business, calm your mind, zen-ify your world, and refill your creative well, for the rest of your amazing life!

It's seriously one of the most accessible programs out there that really delivers results if you put in the work that's necessary.

I'm enrolled to begin the Business Goddess e-course beginning October 1st and I literally can't wait to see what unfolds in my business.

If you are like me you probably want to know more of the details before you make an investment so here is a list of what is included when you enroll in this membership program:

]]This is a value of almost $4000 all for $199 a year until October 1st!

I'm pretty blown away by what is offered to be 100% honest and the price (for a limited time) is such a reflection of Leonie's heart. Even when it goes up it is still such a deal.  One of her biggest goals was to offer something to others that would share everything she knew that helped her create her six figure biz from nothing for a very reasonable price.

And that is exactly what she is doing.

If you want to see just how bright this woman's light shines, watch the video below and you will see what I mean when I say she is one of a kind.

There is only a few days left to enroll at the super low price of $199 a year and then it doubles on October 1st.

Take a few days to think about it or heck, take a leap of faith and join now.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask me.

I am an affiliate which means if you sign up I will get a small sum but please know and trust that I would never pitch anything that I was not 100% behind myself.