Feeling the Resistance - And Breaking Through It - A How to


Hi Sweetpeas! This morning I had a huge revelation. I realized I have come up against some series resistance and I'm wondering if you have been feeling the same.  We are three weeks into the new year how are you doing with your resolutions, goals and intentions for 2014? Are you still in the super motivated - I'm kicking butt phase or have you started to feel the resistance that undoubtedly will come?

What do I mean "undoubtedly" will come? Well, I know that for me, any time I decide to make some serious and amazing changes I get really excited and start rolling and sometime about three weeks into it I'm smacked head on by that lovely little thing called resistance. All of the sudden all the reasons why I can't or shouldn't do what I want to do start running ramped in my head and I start to see myself slow down.

One of my intentions for 2014 is transition my coaching business into what I've always wanted it to be, more focused on prevention and plant-based foods and our relationship to both, i.e.: the emotional aspect of eating. I have big dreams and started the year off running, super excited about where I was going and then WHAM! All of the sudden these thoughts of "there are already SO many coaches who focus on this, "what can I actually provide that is so different?" "doing laundry sounds SO amazing right now!" and I found myself mopping around the house watching reruns of The Real Housewives.

Resistance was getting the better of me but I'm not going to surrender that easily. 

So what do you do when you come up against resistance?

It feels pretty crappy and honestly, it's what sabotages most of us from ever achieving the life we know we want and deserve. Here is how I'm getting through it and maybe you can take a little something away from this and it will help you push through whatever resistance is coming your way too.


No matter how many other people out there are doing exactly what I am doing, my message is just that, mine, and someone out there is needing to hear it from me.

- I will touch someone in a way that no one else can and so my voice has to be shared.

Do one thing at a time. 

- I have so many plans and ideas but the only way to get from point a to z is to go through all the other steps... one step at a time. I need to work on one project at a time so I don't get overwhelmed and lose focus and just throw in the towel. Sound familiar?

I remind myself that I have a purpose - and this is exactly where I am supposed to be!

- I know in my heart that I am meant to help people. I haven't gone through what I've gone through not to help others who are possibly dealing with similar things. I have a purpose and I know that I am aligned with it. 

I need to reconnect with my inner voice/guide.

- Usually when I start to let resistance get the better of me I realize that I have let me mediation practice go and a deeper connection with my inner voice/guide as well. She is full of infinite wisdom and will lead me down the right road when I call upon her and you have one too! I'll be honest, I've really slipped on my meditation practice. I haven't really been able to get myself to do one lately. I've tried but there is this thing called...resistance...that keeps getting in my way.

I find myself all anxious and unable to sit quietly (or at all for that matter) however, I know that when I spend the time, even if it's for five minutes, I feel so much clearer and full of life and energy. I'm gonna find her again and see what happens.

I need to re-connect with like-minded people who will keep pushing me to share my mission. 

- I have several Skype dates next week with amazing women who are on similar missions as I am and I think it's really important to develop a network you can turn to when you are feeling like your losing your mojo.

We need to let go of the comparison and join forced to change the world, one voice at a time.


We all come up against resistance. It's part of life. However, we can push our way through if we have a plan and know what needs to be done to break free.

I believe in you. You are here for a reason and you can do ANYTHING!
