My Wellness Bag of Tricks
/I get asked a lot about what my health and wellness routine looks like so today's post was inspired from all the questions I get. My routine, or rituals as I call them, have been learned through trial and error over the years and I imagine that they will continue to evolve as I learn more about what works for my life, feeds my heart and soul and makes me feel nourished and nurtured on a deeper level.First and foremost, I believe that health and wellness looks a little different for everyone, mainly because no two people are the same and everyone has different needs to feel healthy, happy and well-balanced. Nourishment and nurturing comes in all shapes and sizes.
Below are a few of my needs and maybe some of them will resonate with you or spark a curiosity.
All in all, just keep trying new things, seek out support and as always, know that I am here to help guide love you as you embark on your journey into a well nourished and nurtured life.
1. Eat more greens and limit animal products like dairy.
I read a study recently that discussed the number one food lacking in most American's diets and it turns out it those glorious greens you hear so much about. There are so many magical ways to get more greens into your diet.
I hear a lot from people that they are so tired of eating salads and I'm here to tell you that there are SO many other ways to add more greens to your diet. Check out this Pinterest board I have created for you dedicated to all those Glorious Greens. This board is full of amazing, delicious and easy recipes to add to your weekly meal planning. I'll continue to add to it so make sure you like me on Pinterest, would you?
There is also a lot of confusion regarding dairy consumption. Is it good for you or bad? If I don't have dairy in my diet where will I get my calcium? Well loves, good news! There are actually so many other beneficial ways to get calcium into your diet such as eating more of those dark leafy glorious greens. Plus, dairy is highly acidic. When our bodies are in an acidic state it is like a breeding ground for disease and illness.
One of the best articles I've read about why you should ditch dairy is from the ever wonderful Kris Carr found here. She also lists a ton of other calcium-rich alternatives. Check it out!
2. Drink your greens
Another powerful and easy way to add more greens to your diet is to drink them. When I can't get to my juicer I often bring powdered greens with me and add them to my water bottle. They are a great way to alkaline your body and get additional nutrients. I've tried many brands and am loving these from Aloha. All organic ingredients with a lot of nutritional value.
They offer everyone a free trial period. You can try them for yourself here.
3. Sweat it out
A great way to detox our bodies is through sweating. Whether you do this through exercise or my latest love, Far Infrared Sauna, it's an important part of cleansing your body on a regular basis.
I posted this picture on Instagram awhile back. Do you follow me yet?
There are many benefits of using Far Infrared Sauna but just to share a few with you here:
+ Detoxes the body by about 17% more than a normal sauna + Helps heals aches and pains + Pulls out inflammation + Increased relaxation + Purification + Improves skin + Relieves joint pain and stiffness + Increases your metabolism
You just slip inside, close the door for 30 minutes and sweat your tushes off. I usually bring a book or close my eyes and relax.
4. What you put on your skin
For a long time I was mostly concerned only with what I put in my body. I'd eat only organic foods however, what we put on our bodies is just as important. Your skin is the largest organ on your body and absorbs whatever you put on it directly into your bloodstream and into your cells.
Over the last year and a half I have slowly transitioned out of using toxic and chemical laden products and found a few products that I really love that are aligned with what I am looking for.
My nonnegotiable's are:
+ Organic + Cruelty free/animal byproduct free + Safe for the environment using limited resources
Transition can feel a little overwhelming at first so I suggest that you start slow. I went through all my makeup and threw away anything I didn't use anymore and everything that was toxic. I invested in a few essentials at first and have slowly added to them. I don't wear much makeup to begin with but I mean, it's always fun to have a hot red lipstick in the mix.
I also found a skin care line I really love. It's not too expensive and adheres to my non-negotiable. It's called Acure Organics and can be found at most health food stores and online.
I also use Dr. Bronner's for body and face wash. I love their peppermint. It smells so fresh and clean.
And last, Instead of lotion, I slather my body with organic coconut oil. I still have a ginger mix I got on my trip to Panama two years ago otherwise, I just use the same stuff I cook with except I keep a different jar in my bathroom.
5. Find some stillness
"Quieting the monkey mind." I love this expression because it rings true for me.
For years I use to tell myself (and others) that I just couldn't meditate. I couldn't get my mind to find any stillness. In many ways I feel like meditation found me though. It got to a point where my own pain and suffering where becoming unbearable and I had to figure out another way. Sitting in stillness has added so many benefits to my life but mostly, it's given me access to what has been true all along and it's allowing me to tap into my inner guide, my number one, my true essence.
6. Get with gratitude
Going through life with a glass half empty attitude is exhausting. It drains you and leaves very little room to appreciate all the amazing things that you do have in your life. I know because this was me for years. Sure, there will be days when you feel blah and like you have no idea how you'll muster up the energy to feel grateful but believe me, the more we practice it, the more it becomes a constant fixture in our lives. And, the more it's in our lives the more we invite in the good stuff.
The best thing I ever did was invest in a gratitude journal. Most mornings I wake up, meditate for 15 minutes and then sit down to journal away what came up during meditation or what I'm feeling/working through at the moment. I also combine my gratitude list. It's been a powerful addition to my life.
7. Continue to find ways to grow as a human being
I think that personal growth is one of the most self-empowering things we can do for ourselves. However, I think one of the biggest misconceptions about growth is that eventually we will arrive. I mean, yes, there are some people who obtain enlightenment but for the most part, it's an ongoing journey for all of us. It takes practice and consistent attention mixed with a good dose of gratitude and just getting out there and living your life.
Tapping into your spirit and inner guide and learn to trust yourself, even when what you are doing may feel scary, is one of the best ways to continue to grow into your life.
Other incredible ways to continue to grow:
+ Journal regularly + Read...a lot (I'll post some of my favorite growth books) + Meditate + Hire a Coach (you can learn how to work with me here)
Take ownership of your life and make it a commitment but whatever you do, don't stop living your life.