The Sexiest Thing My Husband Ever Said to Me

risks2 Last night my husband and I were in a discussion over dinner about a possible business adventure we are thinking about embarking on. It's something I've been wanting to do for years and would help make our community a healthier and happier place so naturally I want to do it!

I'd say that my hubs and I have entrepreneurial spirits, he runs our family vineyard and winery and I run my own coaching business, all from the comfort of our home and we love the idea of opening more.

We love the freedom that comes from running our own businesses but at the same time it can also bring with it lots of fear and a major case of the 'what if's.' The unknown can be scary and at times, paralyzing stopping you dead in your tracks. But my husband said the sexiest thing to me last night that got my fire burning and totally shifted my perspective.

"Babe, I just want us to take more risks!" See, totally sexy huh? :)

As we sat there talking more about this business idea it reminded me why it is so important to have a support system whenever you are setting out to do something new AND it reminded me why it's important to take a deep look at those 'what if' voices and ask yourself who's they really are.

After dinner I was driving to the yoga studio to teach a class and all of the sudden all these fears and doubts started racing into the forefront of my mind. What was and idea that was exciting and full of curiosity only thirty minutes prior was now totally saboteur thoughts. Isn't it amazing how quickly that happens?

So I decided to think of what my life would look like had I never taken any risks to begin with.

+ I would have never went back to school and gradated with a BA in Psychology (I graduated when I was 26)

+ I would have never backpacked around Europe with two friends for three weeks

+ I would have never moved to Taiwan on a whim to teach English and grow in ways I never thought imaginable

+ I would have never moved to Oregon and married my best friend and love

+ I would not bare witness to my amazing coaching clients rediscovering who they are

+ Nor would I have meet some of the  most inspiring individuals I have ever known

What would your life look like had you not decided to take a few risks? Even if they seem small they have shaped your life in profound ways. WHAT IF you decided to take that next big leap?

Maybe it is starting your own business or signing up for coaching to gain more clarity into what you want with your life. Or, maybe it's going back to school or changing jobs or leaving an unhappy relationship or starting one with someone you never imagine.

The point is, you will never know where it will take you if you don't take a few risks. I know it can be scary and it's easy to listen to the voice in your head that is trying to talk  you out of it but WHAT IF you just did it?  How would your life change? Would you be happier? Would you feel more fulfilled? Would your life make more sense?