Guest Post -- You Are Not Your Thoughts by Juliet Turalski

One of the things we spend a significant amount of time on in my debut program, Release + Remove + Rebuild -- A Permission Slip to Build Your Best Life is our thoughts. It's amazing how strong of a connection there is to what we think on a regular basis and how we feel about ourselves and most of the time we have no idea that we are thinking such damaging things. Today Juliet Turalski from Jules Inspired is here with a very special video for you all about this very subject.

Juliet is seriously one inspiring women. Learn more about her amazing journey here.

I'm honored she is here today to share this video. Get comfy and listen to the wise and encouraging words flow.

You will learn:

+ How our thoughts are the number one reason we get caught up in negative cycles.

+ How we are NOT our thoughts and how we can learn to change our them.

+ A great and powerful activity to learn how to redefine the stories in our minds.

+ How to say yes to life and loving yourself.

It's so easy to get caught up in the conversation that is happening in our minds. However, I encourage you to flip it on it's head and see how you can rewrite the stories into something powerful and positive.

I'd love to hear more about how you are changing your thoughts in the comments below.

And there is just over two weeks to sign up for my debut program, Release + Remove + Rebuild -- A Permission Slip to Build Your Best Life. It's chalked full of incredible information, activities and my own personal experience on how I overcame emotional eating and learned to love my body and use food as an ally.

Sign up below and say YES to you.

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