Hope, Wisdom, Love, Inspiration: The Simple Things That Get Me Through the Day

all three I bought the Ironman visor pictured above when I was on The Big Island of Hawaii in 2009. I was there to participate in my first Olympic distance triathlon, The Lavaman, and purchase the visor after finishing 9th in my age group. It was a symbol that even a girl who grew up quitting every sport she tried could still, one day, be a good athlete.


I wear this visor now whenever it's sunny out and I am going on a run. These days, as I train for another triathlon with my husband, I wear the red ring of inspiration to not only keep the sun out of my eyes and off my face but as a reminder of what I am capable of doing. Of why I put on my runners, tie the laces, and hit the rocky dirt road at 7:30 in the morning.

When I'm in the middle of the run and I feel myself starting to lose steam, I simple touch the rim of the visor, adjusting it ever so slightly and I remember what it felt like to run in the blistering hot sun, hundreds of bystanders screaming and shouting anything and everything to help you across that finish line, and I'm back there, in that moment of pure bliss, of accomplishing one of the greatest goals.

That was a defining moment in my life. Not because I did so well but because I did something, for years, I said I would never do. I remember, very clearly, when my sister-in-law signed up for a triathlon and I has so much admiration for her because I didn't think I could actually swim, bike and run all in one event. At the time I didn't think I could do any of the sports in a race for that matter. Then in 2008 I hit a major life block. I felt stuck, sad, alone and completely unhappy with where my life had gone. I grew up with wild dreams of the amazing things I would one day do and here I was, 28 years old and I felt that my life was somewhat of a snooze session. I lived my life from a place of fear and let those feelings hold me back until that one day when I woke up and told myself that something had to change.

I signed up a few weeks later and after leaving my first Team in Training meeting, I drove home asking myself what the hell had I just done?

Wearing the visor is a constant reminder to push beyond my comfort zone. To step into the ring with fear and go head to head. Even if you are scare shitless, do it anyway.

Wearing the visor is a great source of inspiration for me.



I keep a clear quartz crystal on my desk, sitting right under my computer monitor. It was given to me by my yoga teacher on our first day of teacher training as a constant reminder to look at ourselves and life from a clear point of view, from a pure perspective. I stare at it when I'm stuck in my head, in that place of stubbornness and holding on to beliefs and experiences that no longer serve me, and I try to look at the situation with unbiased, fresh eyes.

This, as you may know, is not always easy. Most of the time,  experiences from our past shape how we view similar experiences in the future which can prevent us from really seeing the moment or experience clearly.

I will carry my clear quartz crystal in my pocket or my purse so that when I'm faced with a moment of uncertainty or when I come up against confrontation, I can slide my hand in my pocket and be reminded that maybe I need to change my own perception and look at what is happening from a new angle.

I'm going to go as far as to say that most of us could benefit from looking at life a little different; looking at things that have happened to us, what people have said to us, and so on, from a different perspective and gain wisdom from this new point of view.



My husband and I have been married for a little over a year. When people say that the first year of marriage is the hardest, well, they aren't lying.

My husband is my best friend, the person that knows me better than anyone, who can call me out on my bull%&$* and motivate me to try harder and be better. However, he can also push me into very uncomfortable territory, one where I am left feeling vulnerable and a little out of my league. And, I can do this to him as well. It's all part of growing in a marriage. If we always do what we always did, we will always get what we always got, and nothing would change, no one would grown.

My wedding ring is a simple band and symbolizes the unity between the two of us, the life we are slowly beginning to create with each other. The hard work and dedication. It prevents me from just thrown in the towel when things get too hard, something I've been known to do in my past.

Sometimes when I'm deep in thought or when I'm nervous I catch myself using my thumb to twirl my ring around my finger ever so slowly. Its comforting to know it is there. To know that I have a partner to dance with as I navigate this crazy, wild ride called life.

It reminds me of me. It's simple, quite, and can often go unnoticed, but the minute the light hits it, it's sparkles and shines, glistening in the sun. It's comes to life, illuminating a glow that is, at times, powerful.


I share this with you today because I have grown to realize that having these few little reminders helps me get through the day. These constant reminders encourage me to push on, to go to places I may not necessarily feel comfortable going, and to wake up, show up, and try to live my life the best I can every day.

It's not always easy. Some days I  lack motivation, I  feel sad or have feelings pop up that were unexpected or even confusing. For me, having these few things to focus on encourages me and gives me hope that at the end of the day, I've done the best I can with what I have.

These three things remind me to push past my fears and embark on a life that is anything but ordinary.

Do you have anything that reminds you to do your best every day? Share below in the comments. If not, I encourage you to find something, anything that will remind to reach for the stars, reach for the impossible.

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