A Gift for You
/“What is a teacher? I'll tell you: it isn't someone who teaches something, but someone who inspires the student to give of her best in order to discover what she already knows.” - Paulo Coelho ------------------------------------------------------------
Let's be honest for a minute. Life goes by incredibly fast. Before we know it, we blink our eyes and it's a new day, a new month and boom, a brand spankin' new year.
We all have dreams and goals, big aspirations to do great things but we tell ourselves that we will get to it tomorrow because well, we are busy today.
The thing is, why are we waiting for tomorrow? What are we really busy doing today that we can't begin to work towards doing that one thing we've always wanted to do?
Here is a little bit more honesty, I fall into this cycle now and again too and that is why I believe so greatly in the benefits of having someone who can help hold you accountable for accomplishing those things you've always wanted to do. Whatever they may be, no matter how much we want them, it's easy to come up with a million excuses as to why we need to put them off until tomorrow.
A lot of us tend to put everyone else's needs first but if we aren't happy then we can't be 100 % fully present and content in our lives and you deserve so much more then that!
It's time that we put ourselves first and start taking those steps needed to achieving our goals and living our biggest dreams today.
This is why I am so excited to announce that I have 5 Strategy Sessions available for the month of July and I want you to take full advantage of them.
This 30 minute jump start session will get you aligned with your goals and back on track. And the best part is it is my gift to you.
So I invite you today to sign up using this super easy link that will take you directly to my calender with the available days and times.
SIGN UP HERE: https://www.timetrade.com/book/XDFMK
+ If you wake up daily feeling tired, drained and feeling like you need more then this is perfect for you.
+ If you are feeling sluggish and overweight and needing the motivation to make lasting changes then this is perfect for you.
+ If you have a certain goal but aren't clear on your next move then this is perfect for you.
+If you want to know more about how to incorporate a healthy balance, how to eat better and get all the nutrients you need then this is perfect for you.
Does any of this resonate with you?
Then take the next step and sign up here: https://www.timetrade.com/book/XDFMK
If this doesn't sound like you then I guarantee you know someone that fits one of the above so I invite you to pass this along to them.
Give this awesome gift to yourself or to someone you know.
Everyone desires to live their best life now.
Could one conversation change your life? Schedule a strategy session with me today!
+ At this strategy session, we will discover your goals and see how I may help you to achieve them.
+ You will walk away from this session knowing exactly what is missing for your health and life to be complete
+ Each program is individualized for you and your needs.
+ You do not have to be local, phone coaching is available!
+ Each program is individualized for YOU and YOUR need
+ You do not have to be local, phone coaching available!
ould one conversation change your life? Schedule a strategy session with me today!
- At this strategy session, we will discover your goals and see how I may help you to achieve them
- You will walk away from this session knowing exactly what is missing for your health and your life to be complete
- Each program is individualized for YOU and YOUR needs
- You do not have to be local, phone coaching available!
- See more at: http://www.gates2wellness.com/#sthash.YmEyRJev.dpuf
Connect with Amanda at: The Savoury Soul (http://thesavourysoul.com/) , Facebook , Twitter, Instagram (@amandamoore6) and Pinterest